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Monday, August 17, 2009 9:06 AM
Hello hello
Hmm, where should i start. I'm busy with my school assignments and most of my weekends were occupied with outings, it either i'm outside with friends or i'm at home busy watching movies. I really really stuck myself with Channel 62, woah man after so long
only now i realised i have a nice channel to watch that is channel 62. It features hong kong movies, either old or the recently ones. Some were good and some were quite bad. Well, i guess i in no position to say this movies is bad, while i'm just a peanut in this kind of stuff. But as an audience, you have to critic whether that show/movies is good or not you know. And my Internet modem is getting sot sot nowadays. It keep on falling off to the floor PLENTY of times and now it keep on blinking and blinking lights, after a while it turns to red. ( MIO user, should know why. If not, im going spank your buttocks for your stupidity)
Last weekend, i have this bbq outing. Be honest with you, it's the best bbq i had ever. With so much of laughter and running here and there, getting poke by people into my buttock and getting pinch by people. I never had so much fun like this before though. The food was great too, even though they are not well cook. There were so many of us cooking the food. Like most of us cooking the food in a pit. Indeed, we had a lot of fun together. YEAH! I thank god, for what he gave me. And to have a such wonderful friends around me.
Friends is a precious thing.
. You can make alot of friends or maybe hundreds of them. But, out of the hundreds only 2 or 3 percents are the only ones that you can really call them "
Your Friends".
I been always trying to tell you guys, never never never never take my words to heart. You guys tend to misunderstood my sentence. Indeed, sometimes... err.. Maybe not sometimes. Most of the time my words can be very harsh. But this is me, what can you do? There's a saying "Leapords will never change its spots". I tried to mend my words, but it has became a habit on me. You think i have gone overboard, think again. There a bad side and a good side, there isn't such things as you're a 100% good and 0% bad or vice versa. I'm not saying all this that im the right and you're in the wrong. There isn't any right or wrong. Well, It's up to you to think what you want to think.
Yes, i'm an idiot. I can just give you that thing to you instead
of passing to someone else and pass it to you. But....
Thats all folks.
Monday, August 10, 2009 10:01 AM
Talk is cheap. Action speaks louder than words.
Thats all folks.
74 days.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 5:55 AM
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 5:34 AM
If you have seen those MediaCorp advertisement life "Stay home for SUPER TUESDAY! and bleah bleah." But i beg to differ. Tuesday is the most boring day of the week i swear. I'm talking about ETP lesson again, the 0.5 teacher. Why i call him 0.5 teacher? Its because if you late for class you will be giving 0.5 points for attendance instead of 1. So in other words those people who late will giving half the actual point they suppose to have. But, even you're early and you went to the toilet and come back. He will say 0.5 to you. It didn't happened to me of course, it happened to jasmine. Her facial expression was funny. When she heard 0.5, she was like wtf?! But it has happened long time ago. And today, jasmine charger crack opened. Ohhh, you should see her facial expression when she saw her macbook charger cracked. It was funny though, the way she react to it.
After ETP we had our recess and after recess we would be having Project management. I tell you, kristy is the most thick-skinned women i ever known in my life. She just anyhow post on facebook that "Fuad confessed to me... Damn happy" I was speechless for some time. Nothing went to my head nor i can open up my mouth. When i so called 'regain myself', i yelled at her to remove the post. She's another kind of women, i just can't describe her. There's one time, when i, cindy and huimin at cafe 2 using our laptops and do our stuff. And that time was about 4 plus and there's no one else at cafe 2 except for us. So I help the cleaner there to clear up the cups on our table. Cindy was like "Fuad i take your picture. hahaha", but i said "Cindy, stop being lame." And the peculiar thing, the photos landed to kristy. And that horrible monster post the picture on facebook and named it "Fuad the cleaner" Kristy is so lame. -,-'
I closed my eyes, i open my eyes. In a blink of any eye, it has been 73 days. Time flew really fast, I felt as though we just met yesterday.If only, i could go back to where we first met.
Thats all folks.
Monday, August 3, 2009 8:56 AM
I'm adopting a pet! Yeah, it's a hamster. I bet you guys would be thinking, "Wow, Fuad adopting a pet? I feel sorry for that poor hamster. Hope it won't die under Fuad hands." But not to worry guys, I will always treat it will CARE and LOVE. I make sure it will be big as a guinea pig after i adopt it. But i'll not adopting it very soon though. Maybe soon, after i have enough money for the cage and food.
Thats all folks.
Sunday, August 2, 2009 8:10 AM
Grief is a most peculiar thing; we're so helpless in the face of it. It's like a window that will simply open of its own accord. The room grows cold, and we can do nothing but shiver. But it opens a little less each time, and a little less; and one day we wonder what has become of it.
Thats all folks.
Saturday, August 1, 2009 9:44 AM
Today i didn't went for band. I intend to wake up early for band and be early for band, which i never been early for band before. Well.... Same old macdonald story, I overslept. I tried to wake up earlier okay. I set my alarm as usually, but it still doesn't work. Weird? I guess i turning to a big fat pig soon. And I sleep like 2 am last night? err, not because i engrossed on playing games. Actually, part of it la. The reason why I can't sleep last night, its was a warm night, there isn't any wind la. Which is weird though.
I have made a very tough decision, okay i'm abit exxagerating. Firstly my school band are going for overseas competition to genting on november, yeah!! I waited for 4 years for this. I always wanted to go for overseas trip for competition. But, on the other hand. My lecturer is going to make another featured film. And i always wanted to work on a real set and i do really hope i would get selected to help on his featured film. The bad thing is, both events happens to fall on the same month. And i have a short period of time to decides which events i should go. If i go for the overseas trip and on the other hand, if my lecturer selected me. It would put me on the spot. So i decides i shouldn't go for the overseas trip. And I should work extra hard for my career. Yeah!
My mum suddenly stopped nagging at me of using internet late at night. I wondering why is she being so good suddenly. hmm. I wonder why..
Thats all folks.