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Sunday, October 18, 2009 5:36 AM

Hello hello,

Some of you guys might find it lame of this video, but what i think it's a creative music video. They are so creative by twisting the word chinese "super white" and make it sound like "smelly pussy".

Thats all folks.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:10 AM

Hello Hello

I've been reading this book for like thrice? It a nice book to read, seriously you guys should read this book. Its quite expensive, but its worth of buying. I would say this book is quite inspirational book, it teaches you alot of things in life.

Yesterday i overslept for school again, yes again. I still can't wake up early. I set THREE alarm of my phones and it didn't even works on me la? I just can't wake up. I need to starts to wake up early for schools from now on. Cause my attendances is really really bad. 1 more percent and i can't take my exams. Well, i try to sleep early. And each time i try to forced myself to sleep, i would think alot of things suchs as food, whats going to happen tomorrow, counting sheeps and bleah bleah. So, i must think of a new ways for my to sleep early and wake up early for school. And my english is getting deteriorating. I forgotten how to use the word "well" Cause i tend to use the word "well" alot.

Thats all folks.

Monday, October 12, 2009 7:25 PM

More of the photos of the camps, the photo's is not in sequences. So yeah.

More photos of the camps.

Thats all folks.

6:23 AM

Photos of my bands camps. There's something wrong with the blog photo uploader. i wish i could upload more of the photos. These are the only photos that i get to upload on my blog.

Thats all folks.

Monday, October 5, 2009 1:31 AM

Photos of the camps. Please mind me of some of the photos.

Thats all folks.


Name: Fuad
I'm extremely in love with piano.
I love stomp!

MySpace Playlist at


Bee Cheng
Cheryl Leow Zi Xuan
Cindy chua
Daphane Yeo Hsiner
Elizabeth Chew
Evangeline Hum Yan Xin
Fareha Mohammad Fahmi
Joanna Ng
Stein Yan Fernando
Wai shi


July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
June 2010


Designer: Mavis♥
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